Thursday, July 27, 2023

His Will Be Done

Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
  -- Matthew 6:10

Looking out northwest from my house this morning, I noticed that between the efforts of a certain amateur lumberjack and the professionals, I have a lot more sky than I once did. Yet, one tree remains and I have zero control over its fate. None? Could I not pray for its wooden life to be spared? Oh, easily I could enter into that prayer! For the prayer to have my will done and to thwart another person's will comes so quickly to us. Looking back over my prayers, as much as my gettin' elderly mind can remember them, I have done this more than a few times. Our prayer lesson from Jesus was not for me to pray for my will or the other person's will, but that God's will be done. Now if both me and that other person will pray that God's will be done in the name of our Savior Jesus, well then, great things will come to us! 

Faith in God and His will!


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