Friday, November 18, 2022

We Can Pray

With the force of a flood they shall be swept away from before him and be broken, and also the prince of the covenant. Daniel 11:22

One short trip to the news media sites of the world and the forces of the world become apparent. Just one me cannot stand up to the forces I see in the reports. And yet, we read from Paul's letter to Ephesus that there are forces in the spiritual realm behind and beyond those forces we can read about and see. So, do I add to my tiny force my brothers and sisters in Christ? Yes, but we together would no more slow down the forces of the world than just me alone. When the flood comes, as Daniel foretells, I am not even the smallest of impediments to its flow.

However, Daniel received the word of this prophecy from someone. And as we read in the prophecies throughout the Bible, there is this someone telling of how this force will act and where it will go and what success or failure it will have. That's the one I want to know. How do we contact that one when the forces try to overwhelm us? From the Bible we know who this one is, and He is God the Father who came to Earth in His Son, Jesus. And the method of our contact is of course that we can pray.

It seems such a simple thing, but simple is nice in a world grown complex. Pray with God and rest in His love!


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