Now Boaz said to her at mealtime, “Come here, and eat of the bread, and dip your piece of bread in the vinegar.” So she sat beside the reapers, and he passed parched grain to her; and she ate and was satisfied, and kept some back. Ruth 2:14
He noticed her! Men are not always given to noticing things, sometimes we can be downright dense in that way. In Ruth we are told that age old story of man and woman. As Boaz first asks who this young woman is, and then tells her to come and sit at mealtime, the reapers no doubt do the usual nudging and pointing to each other, knowing as everyone does who is not directly involved what is going on in this circumstance. And within a couple of chapters in scriptural time, they are indeed husband and wife. Awww!
Of course, it will not escape your notice in reading the story that Boaz redeems Ruth, and the word is not used lightly in the scriptures either. It is a picture of Christ our Lord and His bride foretold in this story of the ancestors of Jesus. Redemption can happen to you! And it will, for our Lord Jesus has noticed you and me, and the time of the wedding comes closer with each passing day of this walk with Him. Our Lord has paid the price for us on the cross at Calvary. And now we wait for the proper time, because this most important of weddings cannot be rushed. Christ the Lord will be married to His betrothed, and every one to be saved from the world must be born, and grow and live. So when will the time be? I don't know, no man does.
Rejoice, the time of our Redeemer comes quickly!