Monday, September 26, 2022

Two For Love

And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, “Which commandment is the most important of all?” Mark 12:28

Was this scribe a peacemaker, or did he want a summary of the law? A dispute can be a noisy thing, maybe this scribe knew the quickest way to quiet them all down was to ask the wisest one there a question that had bothered him for some time. The Law is large and disputes are many. That may be one reason why we are called brothers and sisters in Christ since disputes over scripture may resemble the casual squabbling of a family. Oh, look, now we're drawn into the dispute too! Jesus quickly cut through the dispute though with two answers for one most important commandment: love God and love your neighbor as yourself. It seems so oversimple at times that we are left quiet. 

Two commandments for love, please!


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