Friday, September 23, 2022

It's All About Him

All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. John 1:3

So, it's Friday and that means another 'Who is God?' portion from the word? No worries, it's all about Him anyway, whether I title it that way or not. Many do not want to confess their sin, others do not want to admit there is a God to receive that confession. There exist even some who would admit to sin and believe there is God, but want to be judged on their works. The longer I walk this Earth, the less I want to be judged on my works. After all, how many good works does it take to make up for those briefest of lusting thoughts? Of course we believe in Jesus and it took only the one work. But it was His work, not any of mine. So once more it is all about Him... and you and me, and all of our brothers and sisters who believe in Him. Yes, the Good Shepherd will shepherd a mighty large flock one day and forevermore!

Praise the Lord for His atoning work, and His continuing work in you and me! 


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