Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Our Guardian

Therefore, I will always be ready to remind you of these things, even though you already know them, and have been strengthened in the truth which is present with you.  2 Peter 1:12

It rumbles up from the depths of time, looking familiar, a repetition of something heard before. You could tell them the next part before they have finished the introduction. Is it the dreaded old man story? No, it is actually that lesson from the scriptures that you and I have heard many times. Peter addressed this in the beginning of his second letter in the verse we read for today. Always ready to remind us speaks to something repeated that, as Peter writes, we know already. So why do it? Of course it isn't for the moments of quiet Bible study or those times of meditation wherein it is easier to recall what we have learned already in the Word. It is for those moments when we need to be reminded most strongly that God is our guardian and watches over us constantly. 

Now, as you have a few moments to read this message, you already know that God watches over you. But then comes the time when the enemies surround you, the call to speak before the public has come, the unfamiliarity of court has you in its grasp, or maybe it is just that next doctor's appointment. Yes, it is that time of fear and trembling when all that you already know seems lost in the hairy, scary moment. That is when we need to be so familiar with that message of guardianship of our Lord God that it comes to us by the many repetitions as our faith falters before the fear. 

Did His Holy Spirit have to shout it to you that last time due to the great fear? All is well, that happens too; rejoice in His shouting ability to get that message of comfort through your fear. 


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