Thursday, September 22, 2022

Asking God For Wisdom This Day

He who walks with wise men will be wise,
​​But the companion of fools will be destroyed.
  -- Proverbs 13:20

Troubleshooting the power grid in town on a rainy day at 5:30 in the morning must be difficult. I see three trucks meeting down the block, so I know they are having some of that difficulty. However, it would be far more difficult if the meeting took place between a half dozen people who knew nothing about power lines, transformers, utility columns, and other necessary equipment. In a similar vein, if one wants to be wise or increase in wisdom, we first ask of the Lord and then we walk with wise persons. While hanging out with fools might provide one with some examples of what not to do, it will in time make the one less wise and even indistinguishable from the fools.

You may have read the story of the two psychologists who experimented on their son by raising him with a chimp of about the same age. They expected the chimp to become more human-like, but terminated the experiment when instead their son became more like the chimp. It is of course always a risk to pass along a story such as this one since these can turn out to be urban legends. However, it does demonstrate well that knowledge is no barrier to foolishness.

Asking God for wisdom seems like a good first step for us today!


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