Friday, October 02, 2020

The People Love Begot

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." John 15:13

Do you trace your family back to Shem, Ham, or Japheth? Can't go quite that far back on the ol' family tree? Maybe Abraham, David, or Solomon? No king or prince graces your family planting for as far back as anyone can trace it? Bubba the farmhand and Clem the factory worker seem to repeat for centuries in many family histories. The genealogy of kings is commonly known among those families that can claim a royal ancestry, but the family tree for most of us is a bit more common in its members. It's a good thing too! We would hate to be chained to some famous family tree when the King of kings comes to take His family home. 

Even before He had gone to the cross our Lord Jesus spoke of His new family. A new nation He would raise up from a people far away. In the Revelation they come from every nation, people, tribe, and tongue. They are the people that love begot on the cross at Golgotha when Jesus died to save them from their sin. The family of Christ is those who will believe in Him (Mark 3:34-35), and we are a family that only the greatest love could raise up from the sin of the world. 

Rejoice in the Lord Jesus, my brothers and sisters!


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