Monday, October 12, 2020

Facing The Day

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 8:38-39

(When your mind begins to wander, skip to the last paragraph.)

This morning you are facing the day, just as I am and many others too. We may not be facing quite so difficult a day as a certain nominee to the highest court in the nation, but we are facing the day. If you watch the confirmation hearing, you may notice some people who can run a great many words into a simple question. We can be glad that we are not the one having to respond to those questions today. But is thinking of someone who has it worse today the only way we have of encouraging ourselves? Does that even work when each of us still must face the day we have today? 

When facing the day we must have an encouragement that lasts. Comparing your situation to mine, which I could tell you about at length, will only last until your situation comes upon you and causes your mind to focus on what it must. If I go on at the same length some in our Congress will today, you might be more than glad to get on with your circumstance, however difficult it might be. All of my words up to this point will serve to give us all an idea of what will go on in the questioning of the nominee today. They will try to serve themselves while stunning the poor woman with a mass of words. While it may be a good test to see if a nominee to the Supreme Court of the United States can cut through a haystack full of words to get at the actual question, the look-at-me words inserted to confuse the issue and hold up the political flavor sign all the while obscuring the question to the point of almost gibberish would tend to wear out a person. Hopefully you wore out and moved to the next paragraph before getting to this point. 

What do you need to face the day? Paul was convinced that nothing could separate us from God's love in Christ Jesus our Lord. There we have it. Cut through the blather and know the love of God in Christ. Amen. Face the day in Him!


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