Thursday, October 29, 2020

How Old Is This Thing?

With the best things of the ancient mountains,
With the precious things of the everlasting hills,  Deuteronomy 33:15

If the word in Deuteronomy speaks of ancient things, just how ancient must this Earth be? With the exact number of years denoted by the word ancient being a bit vague, I'll have to go with a hearty, "I don't know!" All I know is that sometime way back when, in the days of yore maybe, God took six days and created a lot of good things. I know because the Lord saw that they were good in His word. And on the seventh day the Lord God rested. After that the span of time gets a little tough for me to understand with one name in a genealogy representing one generation or many; and who knows how many except God? I will hazard a guess that the time between Eden and Noah, and Noah and Abraham is either a whole lot shorter or else a whole lot longer than I might think on any given day. How's that for noncommittal? Speaking of which, when it comes to the span of time between the Alpha and the Omega, I am at once content and not content to know it. The curiosity of when will this next thing will happen is intense, and yet the desire to let it rest in the Lord's almighty hands is quite strong too. 

The Rapture? What a beautiful surprise that will be in that twinkling of an eye when the Lord says, "Now!" Have a great day in Christ the Lord!


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