Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Steady Effort In The Race

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  2 Timothy 2:15

We have a new Supreme Court justice, and like most everyone in America you can rattle off the names of all nine of them, right? To set your mind at ease, I tried and got 8 of them. However, at infrequent times for the past couple of years, I have tried to memorize the names and so maybe that isn't so good after all. Perhaps a daily effort might produce a better result? Paul in his second letter to Timothy gives us a method to be approved by God. And it does not involve some Herculean effort for one day but a steady effort, day by day, like the workman of Paul's time. Daily Bible study, not a problem we think from the comfort of a day in the chair. And yet, Paul reminded Timothy, and the apostle reminded the disciple, and Christian mentor has reminded Christian novice, since Paul's time to study the Word daily. That daily steady effort in this race has not been so easy for us. And still, the answer to that difficulty is just a prayer away in our Lord Jesus. He loves to have us read His story and will certainly be our good help in the race.

Have a powerful day in our Lord Jesus!


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