Monday, October 05, 2020

Faith In The Only Way

The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into His hand. He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”  John 3:35-36

The Gospel of John has some stunning statements in its verses, and this one today certainly, uh, one? Loving relationship from Father to Son, a gift so big that it encompasses all things, everlasting life through faith, the choice to refuse to believe and not see life, and then that wrath, there are indeed some big statements here today in two verses of John's gospel. I've done it now; the statements are so big that I'm at a loss for words. Fortunately for us, the Lord Jesus was not lost for words when He spoke these and many others telling us of eternal life. And He simplified for us in John 14 to one and only way, Jesus himself! 

So, how does someone read that the wrath of God abides on those who do not believe, and not believe? Easy, they don't believe. To choose to not believe is to refuse to take the Lord at His word and His word is the Bible. To not believe, they believe, is to opt out and, they hope, walk away to something else. The problem we see as believers is that there is no opt out - only life or no life, the love of Jesus or the wrath of God. For those who choose to believe, faith in the only Way is the only  way! 

Have a gracious day in the Lord Jesus!


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