Thursday, August 13, 2020

Word From The Throne

Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”  Revelation 21:5

One will have no difficulty seeing the need to make all things new even now, but we also know from prophecy that it is going to get worse near the end. John received two marching orders in this one verse - behold and write. He who sat on the throne makes all things new and establishes His word as true and faithful. At first, we think that making all things new would be the greater task, but in an age when so many words are anything but true or faithful, perhaps not! 

Behold, the Lord speaks, and we will one day see His making in action as all things, not just the born-again, but all things He makes bright and shiny new. August in these parts with its dried out fields and brown grass is a good time to look around and try to imagine all of it as brand new. Tough thing to do. Perhaps something man-made, easier to imagine. Look at a car or a couch or something that you received not that long ago, maybe 20 years, and try to imagine it as when you got it new. Still not that easy? Guess we better just behold when the time comes and enjoy writing the good news that His day will come! 

Have a great day in Christ the Lord!


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