Monday, August 17, 2020

Believe It

Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.  Genesis 1:31

If we cannot believe that God created all things in six days and saw that all of it was very good, then we are going to have trouble believing that Jesus will return here to judge the nations. If a person cannot believe that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Gen 1:1), then that person is going to have trouble seeing that Jesus will one day end the earth and the heavens, and then make them brand new. But wait, the Jews believe those two first parts, does their unbelief of the second parts not disprove my statements? The stumbling block comes when a person cannot believe that Jesus and God are one. That is where those rock-chucking Jews start reaching for their stones. We saw it with Jesus, and with Stephen, and even Paul. 

So, how is it that we can believe when God's chosen people will not? Easy, we live in that time where Jesus sent His good news out to the Gentile nations in order to make His people jealous and cause them, in time, to welcome Him as Savior and God. It is a great time in history to be a Gentile and have the good news of Christ Jesus preached to us and from us. Does it look like things are coming to a close and that events in the world are ready to produce the first beast of Revelation 13? Yes indeed! Soon, the Lord Jesus comes to gather us to His pastures! 


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