Wednesday, August 19, 2020

If You're Ready, So Am I

But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.  1 Peter 4:7

If you are ready for the end of meteorological summer, then so am I. Does not look like it will happen this week though. Hot, hot, hot is our forecast weather for this week and beyond. If we cannot wait patiently for a high pressure dome to pass, then how well will we perform when patient waiting might last from when Peter wrote our verse for today and the time we live in now? My waiting cannot make it for almost 2,000 years because my poor little mind cannot perceive that much, and we can thank the Lord for that! The day to day waiting for uncomfortable weather to change though can be burdensome when I keep looking days ahead of this one. Do you suppose that could be the key to waiting on the Lord? 

The sky brightens with the coming of this day, and this day is the gift we have been given for today. Prophecy tells us what will come, but not what day. Therefore, looking just to this one day's journey with our Lord Jesus, we can make it through to the end of it. Each of us can be serious and watchful in our prayers today with Jesus. We'll worry about tomorrow with Him when that gets here. 

Thank You, dear Lord, for this one new day,


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