Wednesday, April 08, 2020


Yes, you overwhelm the fatherless,
And you undermine your friend.   Job 6:27

It is at about this time that for many of us the virus/lockdown thing may become overwhelming. We can see the possibility of the disruption to life ending a ways out there, but it seems so far away. For many, paychecks have been missed and relief by way of unemployment or stimulus money has not yet arrived. They hear about how much help is coming, but with nothing in hand to use for the necessities of life, they are seeking other ways to provide for the family and being told to stay home where the need is presented to them each and every minute. And now a holiday, a formerly joyous celebration, is upon us that will be different than any other we have seen. 

It is interesting that in searching the New King James version for the word 'overwhelm' that two books have two instances of the word in each: Job and Daniel. Both of these men had suffered terrible losses in life, and both had large burdens placed upon them. For both came the infamous dark night of the soul when emotion and spiritual pain overwhelmed the men of God. Job was overwhelmed with his loss and suffering; Daniel was overwhelmed by visions of the future and felt the loss of his nation most keenly. Both men were also righteous men of faith in God. 

So, suffering and overwhelmed one, you are in good company with your faith in God and righteous standing in Him through the grace of Jesus Christ! Continue earnestly looking to our Lord in prayer, and rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus this weekend. 

Yours in Christ Jesus,

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