Friday, April 10, 2020

Locked Down In The World We Know

But the LORD was with Joseph and showed him mercy, and He gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.  Genesis 39:21

Each of us by now has felt a little of what it must be like in prison. We are not living in the land of the free right now, that's for sure. Even an avid homebody such as myself has run into the restrictions. I'm taking today off work as I have done for Good Friday in years past, but there will be some projects that cannot get done. "I can run down to the hardware store for this thing that isn't really, you won't. That thing can wait." That thought has already been here and done that with me today. While others struggle to maintain a circumstance that will slow down the spread of the virus, it is not right for me to go out for any less than necessary things. Projects that I only want to get done must wait. 

Joseph likely had a great many projects in the works in his master's household, of which he was the chief servant, until an infamous allegation was made and the man was imprisoned. We have our projects too, and in this locked down environment we too must have some patience. The Lord has shown us mercy too in that we are locked down in our homes and do have permission from the governing authority to do certain necessary things outside the home. While we send up some gratitude to God for His mercy, all of us may want to remember what our Lord Jesus was doing on this day back in His day. 

It is difficult to think of anything more restrictive than death, and our Lord was probably in the tomb today. There is plenty of debate among the scholars, but Friday of that holy week was likely day two of the three our Lord would spend entombed in death. And yet, scourging, crucifixion, a mortal lance wound, death, and the grave were the Lord's victory over sin. What?! Yes, that is what makes our Easter celebration such a strange holiday. All the things our Lord Jesus suffered were payment for the sin of the world, and by this we have the mercy and grace of God in place of the justice we deserve. It is His victory indeed! 

Have a wonderful Good Friday and rejoice in Jesus!


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