Thursday, April 23, 2020

Not Long Now

Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war.  Revelation 19:11

The names He was called leave us with no doubt as to the identity of this warrior. And we who believe in Him look up in hope that heaven will open right now and bring this one back to us. And then we stop...wait, no, He will bring the church home to Himself first in the twinkling of an eye. Yes, this event John saw in our verse for today is the start of that final war where the enemies of God have gathered themselves together at a place known as Armageddon. Whoops, it's spelled with one 'r', I was trying to use the pirate version of this tale. 

It is interesting to think back to that huge starting event as told in "Left Behind" by Lahaye and Jenkins. In that novel, the Rapture took place and many died in car accidents. I wonder if they would write it up the same now given how easily rush hour around the world was called off, and how quickly air travel shrank by 95-99% at American airports. I wondered once or twice that God might not arrange for the Rapture a bit better than what the authors of that long ago book imagined. After all, one purpose of the church being taken so suddenly is to gain the attention of those left behind. It would do a lot less good if so many of them died as collateral damage from the event itself. Well, I need wonder no longer, the Rapture could indeed occur with the world nearly or completely shutdown, and all it would take is one little bitty critter called a virus. 

Great is the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!


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