Thursday, August 01, 2019

Putting People To Sleep

And in a window sat a certain young man named Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep sleep. He was overcome by sleep; and as Paul continued speaking, he fell down from the third story and was taken up dead. Acts 20:9

Yup, even back in the day preachers could put people to sleep. Good enough for the world would be a cautionary tale: don't fall asleep on window ledges. However, this was not a good enough kind of tale for the Bible. Paul was there, and in the Spirit, Paul goes down and falls on the man, and then gives him a hug.

This is still used today as the initial steps in the paramedic's manual for falls from the third story of a building. You know it isn't! There's no fooling you on a Thursday morning. Falling on a fall victim and embracing them is not what modern medicine recommends to us when responding to an accident. However, the next morning, the young man was brought in alive.

The world declared the young man, Eutychus, lost and dead. The apostle of God declared otherwise, and the man lived. Kind of reminds us of something, I think. In the world, we are declared dead. In Christ, we live.

The time of the rapture of the twice born comes soon!


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