Monday, August 26, 2019

End Times Lazy

The lazy man is wiser in his own eyes
Than seven men who can answer sensibly. Proverbs 26:16

Have I become end times lazy? It is a question that I must ask of myself because it would be so easy to become that way. The Rapture could happen at any moment now, so why bother to work on the house, weed the garden, fix that relationship, or work for a living? Well, for one thing, there is no one who knows the day or the hour of that snatching away, and so the day and hour might be just far enough into the future that a lazy person could starve to death waiting and looking up at the sky. It may be even so far out there in calendar terms that the house sheltering one from the rain and snow might fall down before that trumpet call sounds. I won't use the weeds one because as all who have ever gardened can tell you, the weeds can take over a garden in about the same quickness as the Rapture will happen; that is, in the twinkling of an eye.

We have a duty to perform, a calling, and even a commission from our Lord Jesus. As the end times started when He arose to Heaven so long ago, and could end at any moment, or not for another hundred years, we must watch out for that end times lazy. The desire to quit doing all things and stand there staring at the sky, heavenly minded but no earthly good, as a famous pastor used to say.

Of course, looking again at our verse for today, if I am end times lazy, will I even know what I'm writing about here? I may need to look for seven men who can answer sensibly.

Now, go to work for Christ!


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