Monday, August 05, 2019

I'll Be Content, Just As Soon As I Get There

Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5

The actor became famous for one particular role, and rich too! Yet, she wants to be known for a great range of parts. The musician was acknowledged by all as the best at playing one instrument, but he soon wanted to be the singer of the song too. In Luke, Jesus told the soldiers to be content with their pay. Has any soldier in any army been content with their pay since that time? How about you? Are you content with your pay, your life, your body, anything at all? I would like to report my contentedness and how I got there so that you can follow me, but I would be a liar. I know that I should be content, but I'm not.

Content is a land just over the next horizon, and I'll be content just as soon as I get there. How is that any different from the rest of the world?

Too true! From some day back in my past, I lost the state of content and found a world where I am not good enough. The world advertises my shortcomings every moment of each day. I'll just bring you into it, because from the day we first took our eyes off our immediate surroundings, you and I have been told we are not good enough in so many ways that our little heads will spin until our dying day...if we continue to pay attention to the world's judgment of you and me.

Yes, that is what happened. That day back in the day was the day we first listened to what the world had to say about us. It wasn't the criticism of a friend that sharpens us, it was the impersonal advertising of the world that said we could be better if we just went out to buy this, do this, change this, or in some way earn a way into the groovy crowd. (My day was back there a little ways.) And all along that way, our Lord told us in the scriptures to come to Him and lay down that burden of never good enough, because we will never satisfy it and only He can make us holy. The answer is just like the song sings:

In Christ Alone,


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