Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A Pure Language

“For then I will restore to the peoples a pure language,
That they all may call on the name of the LORD,
To serve Him with one accord. Zephaniah 3:9

Restoration in the form of a pure language, that is wonderful news! As a writer, I am often appalled at how poor our language is in this age. We want to love God, but then we say how much we love pizza. There is something quite wrong there. We yearn to speak how awesome God is, and hear someone going on about how awesome their new car is; where is the difference we can use to honor God? And then there is the myriad of different languages and dialects on the Earth. How do we serve God with one accord when we cannot even understand one another? However, it was God's doing that scattered the peoples by confusing the language in the first place.

It serves God's purpose now to give us this confusion of tongues. One day though, our Lord God promises a restoration to a pure language. All may call on the name of the Lord in the same pure language. No fears about making funny signs at each other, no worries over social embarrassment through ignorance of foreign words, only a rich communication as we come together to worship God with words that mean exactly what we say and say exactly what we mean.

Rejoice in Immanuel, our Lord and God,


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