Wednesday, July 19, 2017

A Time For Maintenance

This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men. Titus 3:8

Playing with equipment in the field is much more fun than the hours of maintenance required afterward. Most of us have experienced this in many ways. Cooking dirties a lot of pots and pans. Camping means cleanup of utensils, tents, sleeping bags, clothing and bodies. Four-wheeling means washing off that part of the field your truck brought back; plus refueling, checking of other fluid levels and repair of the parts that broke. Maintenance doesn't seem to bring the same sense of having fun that the field work might.

Paul may have spent some hours debating the Greeks, more time writing letters, and plenty of hours in individual witness, but he reminded Titus of the need for maintenance. In this case, that maintenance was in good works. Paul reminds us of the daily need to maintain.

There are good works that involve others such as giving and volunteering. There are good works that no one notices but God. There are good works which are done more publicly such as singing in the choir. And there are the more maintenance related good works such as private prayer with God, studying the scriptures, and meditation to cleanse the thought life. Paul is reminding Titus to affirm to others to maintain the things which maintain our life in Christ. What a good work to do for a brother in Christ!

While we weren't looking, God's Holy Spirit did more maintenance work on us than we will ever know! Enjoy the day in Christ, and endeavor to maintain those good works!


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