Thursday, December 15, 2016

A Place Called Sin

"I will pour My fury on Sin, the strength of Egypt;
​​I will cut off the multitude of No"  (Eze 30:15)

Ancient Pelusium received the sort of name that our friend Peter did back in the day. Being known as the strength of a nation might be cause to walk with our heads held high, but to be named 'Sin'? And by the Lord God too! In the final book of the Bible, a city called Pergamos held the throne of our enemy, and some of God's people lived and worked there. It seems that some places may indeed be worse than others. Why are some who love the Lord called to live in those places?

We don't know or cannot see all of God's plans as they are performed right before our eyes, but we trust in His way. We don't want to live in the central district of a place called Sin, but we may be called to minister there as a representative of our Lord Jesus. How will the flame of revival ever start if none of God's little sparks will jump into the woodpile He has prepared?

You may not feel like much today. The place where your life has carried you may seem like the very center of Sin City. Your spark for Jesus may seem to be ready to go out. Yet, this was said of our Lord Jesus in fulfillment of a prophecy in Isaiah 42:3:

A bruised reed He will not break,
​​And smoking flax He will not quench,
​​Till He sends forth justice to victory. (Matt 12:20)

We may be just a little spark on the tip of a slender stalk, but He can do much with the smallest of offerings! Have peace in Christ,


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