Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Does Our Work Matter?

The question buried under that may be more like: Does my life matter? Do I matter? This may trigger a remembrance of some list of accomplishments or lack thereof. Looking at the self, we will likely fall short of making an eternal difference. Maybe we will even see more harm than good in the life we have lived thus far. (Bear in mind that one who wants to steal, kill and destroy is quite good at highlighting only the bad events in our lives.) We look in the wrong direction though when we attempt to find worth in the self.

Looking at what Jesus has done to redeem my life, I come up with a wonderful answer to my net worth. Jesus gave His very life to redeem each and all of us. That is some serious worth; a pearl of great price; a treasure recovered from a field. Not only did Jesus give His life, but He suffered the death of a criminal to pay for my sin! Then, He rose again from death and the grave to prove His great love. Am I worth anything? Yes! Look at Christ and what He has done. Look at the Son of God and who He is. Have you or I done nothing to build God's kingdom on this earth? We were saved by Jesus and that makes you and me one more building block in God's church, one more member of God's eternal kingdom.

When our work is in Him, yes, it matters very much!


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