Thursday, September 03, 2015

Strange Days

An odd noise comes across the street from the school to the north-ish from me. What can it be? Kind of sounds like someone raking gravel with a leaf rake. Is this the start of a strange day? Maybe, I won't know until I walk it with Jesus. However, we all can remember some days where many things came together at once and we accomplished much in that day. There are also those days where a strange dream gives way to an odd morning and then a weird afternoon. We don't know what caused the thing, but it goes down as one of those kind of strange days. That one day though, that one really takes the cake, or does it.

The day Jesus returns has a few clues that we shouldn't miss. In that day, Jesus says, there will be weddings. Uh, how is it we are to know that from any other day? Indeed, our Lord speaks of normal things going on right up to that great day when He returns. Like the day when the first rain, a deluge, fell just after Noah was sealed up in the ark, we won't notice anything particularly ominous or promising about that day. Everything will be so normal that someone somewhere might even say this cannot be the day, can it? Good news! Every day that seems most perfectly normal with normal things going on all over the world is a possible day for Jesus to snatch us up and take us home to be with Him.

But...there will be signs.

Have a perfectly normal day in Christ!


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