Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Set In Our Ways

It seems that learning a foreign language works way better in kids than in older adults. Memorization skills decrease with age or maybe we just forget everything. The brain pathways of kids are more open to new learning, I guess, while the old folks like us are just set in our ways. So, if someone has reached the age of say... a little ways past maturity, does that make the work of the Lord more difficult? Will resetting a new Way for those set in their ways require more effort of the Lord? Might as well ask: is anything impossible for the Almighty? Hmm, let's see...

When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless." (Gen 17:1)

The Lord imputed righteousness to Abram at the tender age of 99 and set him on a new way. Perhaps we are not so old and set in our ways as we might like to think. God set me on His new Way long before the age of ninety and nine, but I don't believe for a moment that it would have made any difference had I been 109 or 199. The Lord speaks the word and it is done, hence the title Almighty. The work of salvation does not depend upon age or our strength of will: it is God's will and our age is no impediment to the Almighty. The same goes for all of those annoying bad habits and besetting sins of mine that I think are set in my ways. When the Almighty removes them they will be removed for good. In the meantime, I am reborn in Christ and walk before Him blameless!

The cyclists are coming, EEEK! Have a great day in Christ! :-)


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