Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Opposite Dreaming?

Rain! Hooray! The Lord sent us some good rain last night and we are grateful to Him. Why then did I dream about the desert and thirst? No foolin', I walked into a mall in Las Vegas alongside someone I did not seem to know. We were met by a group of people preparing for a worship service, all dressed in various colored uniforms. I asked about the attire and was told that each denoted a level of achievement in the religion. "Cult, we're out of here!" My dream self said and we tried to turn around and leave. The headman said that we had to leave out another exit, and we followed him and walked and walked. Finally, he opened a door that let out onto the desert. The choice was to face the desert and possible death by thirst, or, to turn around and join the cult. We weren't told what color uniforms the initiates got to wear.

Anyway, to cut it short, my dream self and the companion went out into the desert. Yay, score one for faith in Christ! Of course, if all cults were so easily spotted by their use of bad uniforms, no one would have trouble avoiding them. I guess I gave my dream self an easy one in that regard. The temptation to join a system of achievement that supposedly leads to salvation is a strong one in us. The enemy has used it to good effect throughout the years. The fiery dart from the enemy usually begins with, "You're not good enough." The funny thing is, that's true, none of us are good enough to save ourselves. However, the way to salvation is not paved with our effort or achievement.

Praise God that Jesus is the way to salvation, and His way is paid for, constructed, and ready for all who will believe in Him!


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