Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Heaven, um, Where Is It, Please?

Saved by Christ Jesus, we are going to Heaven. Does anyone know where it is? The atlas section of the local gas station doesn't seem to have a road map with that destination on it, and who knows whether a car would go there in any case. The Internet holds some various ideas about what one must do or achieve to get there, some of them are conflicting, but no map, globe, or coordinates seem to exist to point out a destination. Flying directions might work since it would be a bit disappointing to die and find out that Heaven was a place we could just walk to, but that doesn't seem too likely either. I wonder if one might find a guide to lead us there?

Ah, there it is. Jesus also promised to return and take us to that place He has gone to prepare for us. We don't have to know where it is when we have the Shepherd to lead the flock home. No sheep knows the way, but every one of us little sheep knows the Way, the Truth, and the Life. A road map to heaven is useless knowledge for us when we cannot get there in our own ability. What we don't need to know, the Good Shepherd knows very well. Our Lord knows how to get every sheep home to His place. We just follow the Way on our way home.

Have a great day in Christ,

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