Friday, June 26, 2015

Where Do The Field Mice Go?

Friday once more! The weekend is upon us and life begins anew each weekend. That must make the boss feel good in an evil despot sort of way. I wonder if pastors ever feel less than serious about a Sunday sermon they are preparing on a Friday? Perhaps the best preparation day is Thursday, because as every pastor knows you don't ever want to be doing a sermon on a Friday. I just made that up, don't know if it's true or not. Friday does however bring out the not completely serious side of me when it comes time to work or write a devotional. This is common throughout the Monday to Friday working world. We tend to feel light-hearted, and, if the work week was particularly tough, maybe a little light-headed on a Friday. Does this make for a lack of work accomplished on a Friday? Maybe for a time, but eventually we all (at least I hope it is all) realize that there are things to accomplish before we take off for the weekend.

According to Leviticus, the mouse ranked among the unclean animals. The Israelites were not to munch on mouse pies or consume mice burgers in their day. This might sound a bit funny until you realize that grain was a staple and mice really like grain. Did unclean mean that mice had to be kept out of fields? If so, where do the field mice go? Of course, unclean meant certain animal were not on the diet, not that they could be easily avoided. On the other hand, it gave the Israelites a God-given command to learn about grain storage and keeping food from those ever-searching little mice.

We sometimes rebel against a command of our Lord while failing to see the practical side of the Law. Obey the Lord's commandment and reject coveting your neighbor's wife and there is much less chance of adultery. Also we then obey the command Jesus gave to love your neighbor as yourself. And all of the neighborhood has peace when the commands of our Lord are obeyed, making home a much better place to live and sleep!

Have a productive Friday in Christ!

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