Monday, June 15, 2015

A Thousand Things

This life seems filled with a thousand things that demand our attention. Duties around the home, assignments at work, relationship building, or just things that we want to do all demand time and effort of us. Sit where you are and think for a moment of all that you need to be doing, could be doing, or just-can't-get-to-it-today doing. An overwhelming list may present itself for your inspection and despair. And if you run out of things for yourself, ask of another, particularly a boss or a spouse, and you may find the list immediately doubled! Did any one of us think to ask God today what He would have us to do? Oh no! Surely a never ending, God-sized list is headed our way.

Maybe, but just maybe the list God would hand to us might say something like, "Abide in Me". We may expect a thousand things on this list, but it may simply say, "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you." We expect more tasks than we can handle, but God may well give us that little bit from John 14:27. Think of someone you want to spend time with. Did you want that person fluttering about doing a thousand things while spending a tiny bit of their time with you? No? It may well be that God doesn't want that either.

We will have much work to do on this day, but perhaps number one on that list should be: Spend time with God, quietly, without haste or worry. Delight in Him as He delights in you and me.


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