Thursday, June 18, 2015

God's Will is Best For Me

What is trust but understanding that God's will is the best for me? It isn't easy: whether from an accumulation of experience in our older years or the sharp intelligence all young folks think they have, we tend to think we know what our needs are when we come to God in prayer. If either were correct, we wouldn't need the Holy Spirit making intercession for us. It's funny that we seem to know when a child is spoiled through being given everything he or she wants, but we come to God saying nothing but the I-wants and I-needs as we see them. As I write, it is from personal experience that I speak. I'm no better than anyone else in this!

If I were given a transcript of all my past prayers, I might be well ashamed to see how much like a Santa Claus list it appeared. I hope that as the years have gone by I would see some improvement as I read through that transcript, but some days I still catch myself praying the same old I-wants that have gone before. Yet, there was David saying, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." Why did he have to go and say that? One thing I know though, even in those days when my prayer has the taint of selfishness, I'm talking to God and pouring out my heart to Him. If my prayer has a sickness, my God is a healing power second to none. My prayers may not be perfect, pretty sure they are not, but coming to God in prayer is the way to the cleansing power of Christ's blood. Add the intercession of God's Holy Spirit, and I can be sure my Lord gets what He wants from me in prayer.

His will be done!

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