Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Rabbit Lessons

Good morning on this windy Wednesday! Just as I thought how no rabbits had come around my garden this year, I turned to find a rabbit staring at me with its little nose wiggling. There is probably a lesson in there somewhere about how we may discount the threat our adversary poses when we cannot see the lion in the bushes. Well, maybe there is another lesson as well. We often get cocky in our ability to handle temptation of one sort or another. To us that temptation looks like a rabbit, a little bunny. No fear, no worries, we tell the Lord, that temptation is no problem for us the mighty Christian. It's at about that time we may notice that the lurking rabbit has stolen our crop.

Sin comes in many guises, and we do well to remember what champions the temptation that causes us to fall. The adversary prowls about like a roaring lion, but he also sends in the harmless-looking rabbits of temptation. Little things nibble at our resolve, faith. love, and hope if we do not copy the watchfulness of our Lord and Savior.

Hmm, another lesson. I thought that the rabbit had moved on, but I see that it is back near my garden. Perhaps this one is a different model, but it looks like the same one to me. So it goes, just when we think a temptation is conquered, it returns to nibble some more on that we are to protect.

Enough bunny lessons for one day. Go with God!

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