Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Getting The Job Done in Battleground America

Good Wednesday! Heavy subject, light treatment...or is it? As I mowed the back forty this morning, that is the back 40 feet in my case, I realized that many Christians are quite different from each other in the methods used to spread the Good News. Like my weed and grass mowing, it doesn't particularly matter whether I go north to south, east to west, mow in diagonals, or even make curls and loops - the job gets done. We have many ways and means to spread the good news of Christ and many are called to different worlds. A far planet might indeed be interesting, but we are not at that point. The different worlds we are called to plant the banner of Christ in are worlds such as Hollywood, Broadway, Washington D.C., large corporations (a different world to be sure), small companies, university campuses, and many, many others. At each world the good news arrives to a battle in progress.

I believe the numbers of indifferent persons and those who have never heard the good news of Jesus are decreasing rapidly. Yet, never since Jesus arrived have those on either side of Christ been more divided. We get the job done in a battleground from small towns to farmsteads to major cities and everywhere in between. We also run into strong and passionate opposition in every place that we go. And don't think that because you are silently eating a meal that the enemy does not recognize your presence on turf the Adversary may claim. In fact, Jesus may have led you there just for that very purpose.

The Internet is of course a place under the clouds of war. I saw just such a battle on Facebook this very morning. We may lament a soldier deserting the cause of Christ, but Jesus made a promise to all who He calls His sheep - "I will never leave you nor forsake you, even to the end of the age." That is quite a promise not just to those who labor for the cause, but especially for the one who has turned his back on family, friends, and all he once believed. Unlike the case of a soldier in the armed forces of the world who deserts, Jesus does not leave His wayward sheep in the camp of the enemy without watching over him or her. The prodigal has a sure guardian, even if he must eat a bit of pig food before heading home.

Let's keep getting that job done as Christ leads us,

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