Saturday, June 14, 2014

Hold! And Come Back

Good Saturday morning! By now most have probably realized that the Christian journey is not one of step to step climbing up a smooth and even stair. We may have to switch staircases, like we do when changing careers, or, we may have to suffer a few steps down in order to find a clear path to up. Sometimes we even take a tumble down it seems nearly to the bottom, perhaps even past the point where we started. At least, that is how it appears from our point of view after a tough disaster befalls us in some area of life. I mean, from all that we see it certainly looks like God has allowed us to fall past point A and started us again at, oh maybe, point X minus or so. We don't take these reversals very well, and who would expect us too? However, we have faith in God that such things in this life He can and will use for our good.

No, I do not believe that God sends every disaster, though I do not profess to know all of His will even in my own life. Sometimes, it does seem that we are commanded, "Hold! And come back thus far." Like a piece on a playing board too large for it to comprehend, we are moved backward a ways and then allowed to go on. Praise God, we know the ultimate destination - King's Row! There we will reign with our Savior and Lord forever.

The training period is tough, and the destination seems so far away. However, along the way we are going to pick up some fellow travelers, and at times they will help to pick us up as well. Bad news flows all around us in this world. If we are not under the cloud at the moment, someone we know is. All of us who live in Christ have a shepherd to lead us home. The Great Shepherd leads, and yet walks along with us. You or I would have to chose one position or the other, but our Lord Jesus does both equally well, which is to say perfectly in His glorious way. A reversal may be tough to bear, but we will journey on with our Lord. Faith and grace are given to us to bear the journey. Trust in God's best way!


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