Friday, July 13, 2012

Not What I Thought It Was

Good Friday morning on this 13th day of July. Have you ever known, I mean really known with assurance, that something was what it was, only to find out that it most definitely was not? Perhaps you have learned the meaning of 'known with arrogance' such as the designers of the Titanic came to know about the word unsinkable. Many a work of man has received acclaim in various ways beginning with the tower of Babel. At times God causes the work to fail, at other times it just wasn't what they thought it was. After days of laborious digging in fairly soft earth, I found a bit of dirt more consistent with my pessimistic expectations. The final stroke of the shovel for this morning's digging required a leap of faith to set the blade.

"I say, Horatio, old fellow, I seem to have discovered a gusher in the yard. Do be a good chap and pass out the life jackets while I run for the valve down below!"

The gusher also happened to be filling up the very hole I spent hours digging out. The poor cat nearly got plowed in my haste to shut off the water downstairs, but I managed to stop the flow before my hole became a moat. These sort of things could almost make one believe in the myth of Friday the Thirteenth, but I tend toward the arrogance of human knowledge theory. The problem could lie in the absentmindedness of the tired miner too. Jeff and I replaced that section of piping not that long ago, and I should have remembered that it was there. Alas, you are taking devotional instruction from a man who sets out to waterproof his foundation only to attempt to create a moat instead. Whatever day it may be, I do know one thing without the slightest hint of arrogance: Jesus loves you and me. 'Nuff said!


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