Friday, July 20, 2012

A Moving Experience

Good morning as the sun begins to roast us a good 'un today. The painting went quite well this morning; thanks go out to Jeff and his son, Eric, for their help today. Another weekend, another move...and I certainly cannot point any fingers, because the very next week, I will be the cause of that very thing. The hottest part of the hottest year in recent decades, and the moving experiences just keep on coming. I have faith that God provides always just the right number of persons at the right time for each move. Have I sometimes questioned God's number, perhaps even gone so far in my mind or mouth as to dispute His estimate of the situation? You bet, I must confess that sin in me. In fact, I remember thoughts very like that as I dug a couple of deep holes around my house. But, the holes got dug, in plenty of time, and it didn't kill me. So who was right? The moves that have seemed short of people, and I have been on a couple of them, still got done, in plenty of time, and no one got hurt or died. So was God right in His provision, or was I right in my grumbling? The results speak for themselves of course. God is always right, and when I grumble against Him - I am always wrong. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

We have the ability to complain and grumble. Now, a complaint may happen and we don't sin. Conditions, such as the heat we have experienced this summer, may bring out a complaint or two. We are uncomfortable and the conditions outside could be dangerously hot. This is a part of the curse on the world and we are not expected to love it. Grumbling, such as the Israelites did back in the day, is a more serious matter. God brings us out of a place and we grumble that He should have left us there, or we want to go back and so we stop obeying God's calling to the promised land. Either one is a sin against God. Grumbling is when we call God things like mean or unfair or hateful. Perhaps we don't use those exact words, but constant complaining can lead us into grumbling of the type that God hates. Trust and faith are the antidotes to the grumbling that gets us into hot water with God. I may be uncomfortable in the heat outside today, and of course I need to be careful in this kind of heat, but God will not lead me out without good reason. Blessed be the name of the Lord.


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