Friday, July 27, 2012

Little Dirt Clods

This morning, I wondered at my ability to worry about the smallest things. When digging out the holes for my foundation work, I fretted over the little dirt clods rolling back into the hole. After all, I figured that I would have to work twice as hard to get every one of those out of the hole. Now that we are filling the hole back in, the worries over those little things seem far away and kind of useless. This might make a good opening for a devotion on the details in life, but today I thought that this entire life might one day be a sweaty, little detail we look back on and wonder over.

What if I live for 100 years on this earth? Here, now, it seems like an enormous stretch of time. I am not quite halfway there and my life seems an endless series of short adventures punctuated by long periods of relative boredom. One hundred years could hold many adventures for anyone, but what if that century is just the tiniest little detail in a hardly noticeable span of the millionth part of eternity that has only just begun? Apparently, I've been out in the sun too much this morning. However, my mental state is but one little detail in a life that is but a breath of wind in the span of God's eternity. This could be a heavy thought for the weekend, or a lighter thought when we realize that our troubles now will soon be but a small memory.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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