Saturday, June 09, 2012

We Have Berries!

I don't know what the berries are yet, but we have berries! Why the joy for such a simple thing? This bush is a survivor. I first found it growing as a tiny shoot beside the house where things are not supposed to grow due to weed barriers, Round-Up treatments, and other efforts. Since the plant endured so much, I transplanted it to a junk dirt pile I had. The plant grew even without tending and watering. Okay, what to plant in the rings that I made last year? One tree grew so well that I decided to match it on the other side, a symmetrical arrangement. However, it was too late in the year to get new trees over at the farm store. I transplanted the bush as a place holder for a tree. You guessed it; the bush took off and grew through the three hailstorms last summer and the dry spring this year. Now we have berries! I know; what kind are they? Consider my method of gardening and planting.

I tend to identify the flowers around my pond something like this: "Those are the tall, purple flowers that the bumblebees like. Those are the yellow flowers over there, and that plant has yellow-orange flowers of the same type. This one over here is a red rose bush, and that one back there is a pink one. This bush I planted last year, but I don't remember what color the flowers are supposed to be." When it comes to hiawatha's and dragonias and chrisanthemummums and such, I'm kinda dumb in that area. I cannot know everything and I choose to let most plants take care of themselves. My one attempt at planting flower beds with identified flowers was washed out several times, including Thursday evening. So, why did God send me a berry bush?

I don't yet know, but to God be the glory! After all the struggles of the past few weeks, the berries are a sign of something. I'm tired, the books are almost all boxed up, the audio equipment is sold or boxed up, and I cannot reload a single round. The things I usually enjoy are down to writing and reading God's word. I have worked more in the past month than I can recall in my life, and I'm like Jonah and his plant - happy over something I had little to do with. I hope my bush is not withered away tomorrow morning. Blessed be the name of the Lord. What great things are coming from God? I'll pray for great things for you too.

Enjoy the weekend!

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