Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Suffering The Heat

Okay, so we have a little heat wave going. All-time record high temperatures, daily records falling, just a little heat wave. Yes, so maybe the global warming folks have some more ammunition. We still don't know that human activity is causing it, but we can admit that it has been hot the past few days. What is all of this suffering about? Does the heat we feel and try to avoid have a purpose? One of the most cruel things God could do would be to establish the Law, and then just leave us alone. No corrections, no penalties save those that man carries out in his imperfect ways, just a wandering path from birth to death seeking some sort of religion to get us to heaven. After striving to behave well for a while, most folks would figure out that they could pretty much do whatever they wanted. In a worse situation would be those who achieve some success in their own abilities and activities. Without guilt or shame, none could see the need for salvation. We would be lost sheep without anything to tell us of our need for a shepherd.

We think that someone borrowed a little weather from Hell, but that is hardly the case. Hell is far more serious than a little hot weather. We should not trivialize the conditions we know of Hell. The eternal place of burning and pain cannot be hinted at with a few hot days on earth. We have hope here, a great hope in the person of Jesus Christ. Hell on Earth? Don't even think it. Wherever a living person speaks of suffering hell on earth, there is life and hope available to that person. The weather here may be unpleasant, but we can praise God and give Him the glory. "But, but, my toes are cooking in my shoes, and don't ask about other parts!" Yes, we are all seeking air-conditioned buildings, fans, and cold drinks. No one said it would be easy to praise God for the hot days. However, at least we have something to suffer to remind us of our need for Jesus and His grace. Even the worldly and lost folks have some assurance that autumn will arrive on time and change the weather. We who know personally our great hope have so much more to sing and speak praises of God and His marvelous grace and mercy.

Praise God for the day!

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