Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Talking to the Beast

Good morning! Summer mornings are often quite pleasant. I like to get out and walk about just to be with God. I think the most difficult part of a period of frantic activity is missing my time to just sit and pray. On the run praying does not have the same level of comfort and communication as a time of devotion does. My accomplishment level for the past month is high, but my satisfaction level is not what I had hoped. The beast within tells me to keep going at the same frantic pace. The Word of God tells me to slow down and wait on the Lord. It's time we talked with this beast from my sinful past and get back to a time of daily prayer in God's quiet time. This is quite different from the quiet time I enjoyed yesterday.

A period run at a rapid pace can lead to an overall fatigue. The kind of fatigue where one may find himself - I won't mention any names here - playing a game on the computer while listening to music in a mode that can best be described as mostly asleep. Doorbells ring, knocks are knocked, daylight is shining, but the occupant is occupying a land faraway in his mind. I won't say this happened to me yesterday, but I can tell you that the trip to far away planets can have a rather jarring reentry into the world. This kind of razor-edged alertness may be a sign that the mind is in dire need of rest, a day off, or at least an afternoon away from the race.

Talk to the beast of the flesh. Tell it to shut up for a while. Listen to the Spirit God has placed in you. Read the Word. Pray and find healing in the Savior. Give the Savior a chance to get a word in by coming to Him in prayer and meditation.


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