Friday, July 29, 2011

Timelessness - July 29, 2011

Good 'n foggy Friday! The main road up the hill is open once again, perhaps the traffic in my neighborhood can slow down to normal. I'm thinking that as you go to work or get started on this workday, you probably don't feel very timeless. More than likely you feel the same sense of time that most of us do: that is that there isn't nearly enough of it. Employers don't feel satisfied these days unless all of their corporate serfs are overwhelmed. Corporate profits are booming while wages and employment are stagnant. Sharing the success in corporate America seems to be unpopular with some folks. You also feel the time approaching the weekend when at least many of you can get away from that corporate time crunch. Others of a somewhat younger age are counting down the time to the start of something horrendous and confining and around here it starts in less than a month. I won't mention that word today, but it rhymes with fool and makes the parents say "Cool!" A few of us are even watching the time until we can get rid of Burt for a couple of weeks or so. Oh... wait, I wasn't supposed to print that until Monday. Oops, just forget that I said that today.

We have a sense of time in all things we do. Even now someone will be looking for the return of Jesus. However, the one who decides the big, important things such as the Rapture and the start of the Tribulation and the final judgment and other things like that does not feel a time burden as we do. God is not sitting on his heavenly throne watching 24 clocks tick off the time around the world. You might say that our God is timeless. He doesn't get rushed or miss an appointment. God is not late for anything or wishing he had more hours in the day. God doesn't even watch Friday tick slowly away so that the weekend can begin in Heaven.

One of the things I look forward to about Heaven is the start of eternity. Right now we try to face eternity with our human minds and we get reboots and errors. My mind doesn't like to stare into eternity; the concept is too vast for me. However, imagine that you have a project that you want to do, and you really want to surprise a friend by presenting the finished product to him, but you have plenty of time to get it just right. You can make this gift truly wonderful because you have more than enough time and there is no rush. In fact, interruptions that can be so difficult now are welcome because you have all of eternity. But then... why not just present your self to the friend and spend something that doesn't matter anymore - time. You find the friend and decide to ride a light beam from one side of the universe to the other.

We could not live but the tiniest fraction of the time necessary to do something like that right now. Got a few billion light years to hang around? Didn't think so. But in God's eternity, why not spend a thousand billion years exploring God's Creation? Today we have a power loss. I can try to I don't remember what I was going to try to do. The power outage lasted a couple of hours. I do know that I can still take a hot shower after the power has been out for an hour or so, but I can't send the devotional. I guess you could say that I was powerless to send it. Ouch! Pain! Agony! No more dumb power outage jokes. :-) I guess that I didn't realize that I was in fact running out of time to send the devotional though. Makes kind of a nice example of my point today.

Praise God the power came back. And now to send before some other countdown timer runs out.


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