Thursday, July 07, 2011

Fishin' for a Skritchin' - July 7, 2011

Good Thursday morning! Foggy day out, eh? Believe it or don't, the sky was clear at about 0430 or so. The puppies out back even said so, or perhaps they were whining because the fog was coming in already. Want to jump through some hoops? I have a manufacturer's rebate before me with three conditions that I must fulfill; including one with two sub-conditions. The process also takes more than a year and I had to get the initial coupon and sign up for the offer online last summer. The purchase that has the rebate attached came this summer and now I must make the submission for the rebate within 60 days... and then wait 8 -10 weeks for the card with the money on it to show up. Beneath all of that is a note to make copies of all materials in case I must submit the copies. I'm sure that at least a few people who are qualified for the rebate will simply put it aside as not worth the effort. That as we all know is exactly the idea behind the rebate process. And since we still see these rebate programs every year, I will have to assume that the hoop-jumping works enough to make it worth their time. Then 'they', that group of companies and consultants behind the rebate thing, run into me. I will persevere because Jesus is teaching me to be steadfast and enduring.

What? You mean the fruit of the Spirit is not just a tough ladder to climb in order to make me a better Christian? Some obstacle that God has put in my way leaning against a tall cliff with a sign that says, "This way to Jesus!"? You mean to say that there are actual benefits to me in learning and growing in Christ? Yes, sir! Although most of the benefits are not going to be material or cash benefits, we do realize benefits from growing to be more like Christ. God is already perfect, obviously growing me to produce more spiritual fruit is not going to improve God in any way. Jesus has already died and rose again to a new life at the right hand of God. My growth in the Spirit will not improve Jesus either; no work left to be done there (not that any was needed in the first place). However, my growth in the fruits of the Spirit will improve me and those all around me.

For example: Jesus told us to do unto others as each of us would have the others do to him or her. We don't expect those who haven't surrendered to Christ to behave in this way. But, when we go out of our way to show the fruits of the Spirit that God has grown in us, we will reap in kind from our friends and neighbors who are still stuck in the "I'll be nice to him if he is nice to me" kind of thinking. However we may occasionally be caught in the fishin'-for-a-skritchin' pose like the cat here. That is the pose where we give out hints that we want something from someone. That's okay too, but maybe we can look around and see a neighbor's need first.

Have a wonderful new day in Christ. To God be the glory!


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