Friday, July 15, 2011

Still in Charge - July 15, 2011

Happy Friday! Woo, was that some thunder last night or what? I felt the house shaking even through my memory foam mattress. Looks like this weekend is going to be a hot one for almost everyone across the nation. Some of you won't notice any difference from the past few days; you already have all the heat you need and then some. The heat out here should get the wheat harvest going at last... if the rains will let up for a bit that is. As I recall, last year's harvest was a lengthy affair with rains coming during the cutting. We may not be done with the big rainstorms yet. Storms and weather, drought and rain, heat and cold... like Daffy Duck, we might be tempted to complain: who's in charge here?

We know from the Word that God is sovereign over all. But we also know that Jesus called Satan the prince of this world, which implies some authority. Looking at the budget fight going on in Washington it obvious that no one person is in charge of our government. Looking at the world in general, it seems that no one nation or organization is in charge of everything. Looking at the economy it would seem that no one is in charge of anything. Even looking at my house I cannot say that I am in charge of much. The cats pretty much do only what they want to do and the house is slowly falling apart around me. Not that my house is in any danger of flopping down flat, but living here each day I get to see the small changes taking place over time. So, if I cannot even control my own pets and house, and our elected officials cannot agree on what is best for the nation, and the world is just in wholesale higgley-piggley; who exactly is running the show?

The Deists back in the day thought that God had created the universe perfectly and then sat back to watch from Heaven. Those who believe in Christ would say that you must ignore a lot to think that God is not active daily in this world. However, if you read the mainstream media, a person with the view that God is distant and not active does find plenty of evidence to support his claim. Then we have this very bold statement from Paul in Romans 8:28

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Wait a minute, what does he mean by ALL things? In the Bible we know that a statement like that means just what it says. Paul had learned that all things work together for our good. This is particularly interesting when you realize that Paul lived in a time of great persecution. The powers of the world, both the visible and the invisible, were trying very hard to stomp out the followers of Jesus before they could spread. The powers did not succeed. The persecution served to scatter believers in Christ from one end of the globe to the other. In our day the Bible is read in more languages than we can easily count. Sermons are heard around the world and even in the most repressive of nations there are followers of Christ.

God may not display his authority and strength in the overwhelming power that we might like, but looking around I would still have to say that God is in charge. Looking around the world news at the murders, wars, rapes, theft, and all that other stuff, it seems hard to say such a thing. But, God's word did say that these things would come and that a time of darkness would precede the final tribulation and Second Coming of Christ. Lawlessness is tough to take when those you love are hurt. Soon, God will show his overwhelming power in seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven vials. The Bible says that some people will know who is executing the judgments and even with that knowledge will refuse to repent. Yes, Jesus is coming soon and God is very much in charge.

Have a great weekend and be mindful of the heat.


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