Monday, May 16, 2011

A Neighbor's Moment - May 16, 2011

Good Monday morning! The sun is up and I am too! The cat, well, already up and starting to doze off again. Yup, eyes just went closed for a while there. Must be the mesmerizing effect of my keyboard clicking. Dan, the boat boy across the street, caught a fish yesterday. But not just any fish, he won some sort of fishy prize for the largest fish of the tournament it seems. The prize money covered his entry fee was his statement. That seems a little disappointing given the cost of fuel these days. Netting the largest fish should at least pay for the fuel expended. Looking at the other side of it though, I can see how the tournaments might all go broke if they gave out enough money to cover fuel costs for too many prizes. As for me, I could see that it looked like a fish. Must be a big 'un, he brought home a goodly portion of the lake in his live well to keep the fish alive for the trip home. Do fish get car sick?

Ah, time for the morning cup o' brew! I am hearing and thinking a lot about moments lately. Special moments like neighbor Dan's yesterday that we watch with satisfaction are nice to see and enjoy with the other person. I had been thinking about my moments, but today I realize that not all moments belong to me. How often have you felt the selfish temptation to steal someones moment with a cutting remark? That is an easy one to fall for! Letting the other person enjoy the moment is a part of our growth in Christ. An example of this is when someone gets a new whizamagig and the first thing that happens back home is the neighbor who points out the shortcomings of the new purchase. We have all been on one end or the other of that, and it isn't a pretty thing. Perhaps you or I have even been the one to steal the moment by opening our mouths at that wrong time. We might be reminded of too many events from the past of that type. The good news is that we learn and grow in the Spirit.

Yesterday, neighbor Dan had a fine moment, and I am glad to have been able to see it. After Jesus began his ministry you might expect many similar moments would have happened with his neighbors back home, but the Bible would disagree. Jesus didn't gain any small moments of fame back in his hometown. In fact, his family even poked some fun at him in the early days of his new ministry. If we want small moments of fame here in our own neighborhoods, we will have a greater chance if we buy a boat and take up fishing than to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and hope for those same moments. Your neighbors and friends might not even want to see you coming up the street with your good news and the light of Jesus.

Of course we don't want to give up our friends, neighbors, and family, but if it came to a choice, I would rather have Jesus than any thing or anyone.

Enjoy the moments of this new week in Christ!


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