Wednesday, October 07, 2009

A Wrong Association - October 7, 2009

Good Wednesday morning! Yow! I'm a bit sore this morning. I did actual work again yesterday; gotta learn to watch that. :-) This morning I thought of how we sometimes gain a wrong association with something. Beets, somewhere along the line I associated the taste of pickled beets with that magenta color. Canned beets, which I like, have that same color. Every time I open a can I have to fight off the impression that the beets will have that awful pickled beet flavor. The wrong association is stuck in my brain. Other things that you and I experienced as children or even teenagers, might have an uncomfortable association for us. The thing to do is to examine those feelings to see if they are true.

Our past lives are filled with sin. We know that, we admitted it to Jesus in order to be saved. However, the old guilt and shame feelings may persist in this new life in Christ. We have formed an association between the former sin and the current feelings of shame and guilt. We have a wrong association that must be worked out as our faith grows. Burt and I spoke of this yesterday at our prayer breakfast. We are forgiven. This forgiveness and freedom from the penalty of sin does not depend upon how we feel; and our new freedom doesn't depend upon how faithful we might think or feel we are at any given moment. Feelings tend to swoop in and out of our lives like passing swallows or even more slowly like a big thunderstorm. However, whether quickly or slowly, those feelings are transitory; they move on. Jesus saves us by His own grace, not by how we feel. Don't feel saved today? We have good news for ain't a feeling! The grace of God is a gift to enjoy and a faith to treasure.

Have a wonderful day in God's grace!


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