Monday, October 05, 2009

Obey His Voice - October 5, 2009

Good Monday morning! We are still wet outside, but warmer than when we went to bed last night. Some people think that I'm wet all over, but I have it on good authority that it ain't true! :-) Are you ready to begin another week? The light of Jesus shines on us even when the day is dark and gloomy under the clouds of worry! The comparison of worry to a cloudy day is often used in literature. We have a tendency to feel gloomy when the clouds stay around too long. I wonder if the cloudy, cool, and rainy weather this weekend may have stopped anyone from getting drunk during our Oktoberfest? We also have a tendency to forget that the trials in our lives may serve a higher purpose. Just as someone may have gone home early this weekend instead of having a few too many; so a trial in our lives can produce a stronger faith in God. We see a time of trial, God sees a time of improvement and perhaps a trial that kept us from doing something we might regret.

The example might seem a bit obscure; kind of like the sunshine is this morning. Try this: one morning you get into your truck to go somewhere and you hear in your mind, "I don't want you to go." Not the voice of conscience, you already wrestled with that and put it down for the day, but a clear statement. You still have a choice, and so you keep on driving. There is something in that destination that you want and, by yiminy, you cannot see where God would be against you having it. However, a few more miles down the road, you run over something and blow two tires. You might pause a moment to stare dumbfounded at your one spare. Looks like you're not going to make that destination and all you can see is the problem. You're stranded on a remote road and no vehicles are going by; even the cell service is gonzo! You see a big problem and you start to wonder what God has against you.

Sitting here in our comfortable chairs, we can all see the problem, but it has nothing to do with tires. God wants us to obey Him for our own good. Sometimes He has to take drastic action to prevent us from running headlong into a disaster that He can see just over the horizon. Taking the example a bit further: you take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and decide right then to ask forgiveness for ignoring the Holy Spirit. Your tires don't magically re-inflate, but a person stops by and loans you her spare tire which, by the way, just happens to match your own truck's make and model. By following her back to the nearest town, you get your tires repaired, thank her for the use of her spare (she refuses any money), and you go your merry way... back home. Now we don't have to wish any disaster on your original destination even in this example. The reason God didn't want you to go may not be related to anything at that destination, but simply to see if you will obey His voice.

Trust in God this week, and listen for His quiet voice!


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