Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Goofy Morning for Jesus! - October 27, 2009

Good Tuesday morning! Man, I haven't been getting my dose of comic strips in my e-mail each day for a week now! How can a person begin the day without comics? Of course, you could start by reading the daily devotional from, ahem, someone you may know. For those of you who don't read this as often as you should, I hear they are giving away $100 bills today on the corner of Oak and 10th St. Some of the Utah towns might be wondering what an "Oak St." is, but most towns do have one. Sometimes we aren't very original in our naming of streets and other things. Most towns in America have streets named after trees or presidents, usually crossing numbered streets or avenues. Most towns have a garage or two named with the owner's name (Vick's Repair!) even though you don't repair the Vick but the cars brought in. A foreigner might wonder why John always seems to need his appliances repaired (John's Appliance Repair) or why we are so worried about Dave's plumbing. We expect some things in every little town and think nothing of them on a day to day basis. What about sin? Is that the same in every town and city across the world?

Yes, we know that in every location we will find someone who has lied, someone who has stolen something, and someone who has looked at a person with lust in their hearts. Every town has liars, thieves, adulterers, murderers, and on the list goes. The worst part is: they all is us. You, I, your friend down the street, your relatives, and even that perfect neighbor, Mr. Jones; all of us have at some point in our lives committed sin. The Bible tells us that we must confess our sins, but we can't even remember all the sins we have committed with just a wandering thought or two in our lives. What if I miss one? Will that sin drag me down like a battleship anchor on a dinghy?

The good news includes a provision that we can't repent from just one or two sins. We have to repent from them all, even the ones we can't remember. We may not recall every sin, but God has given us an interpreter, an advocate, to bring our request before His throne. That little lie you forgot about in 1993? The Holy Spirit will make sure that is on the list to be forgiven. The time last year when you didn't do or say the right thing? The Holy Spirit will have it covered too. We get to repent of everything in our sin filled lives, even those things that don't immediately come to memory. All sin is forgiven through Christ's perfect sacrifice when we believe in Him.

For those of you wondering how I knew about the lie you told in 1993, remember to go down to 10th and Oak this morning. :-) Actually, I think Sidney is one of those few towns without an Oak street. Just when I had you going too! We seem to have an Osage where our Oak should be. Maybe we should change our Linden to Larch to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Monty Python's Flying Circus? Okay, I'm like way off track here. See what happens when I don't have a good breakfast before writing the devotional? A disaster, that's what it is! Who remembers that old novelty song, They're Coming to Take me Away, Ha, Ha?

Some mornings might be a bit crazy, but Jesus still loves every one of us! Have a wonderful day in Christ Jesus!


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