Saturday, September 05, 2009

No Security Here - September 5, 2009

Good Saturday morning! The Labor Day weekend is underway, and I can also report one more set of neighbors on the road. Maybe the traveling for this weekend won't be as bad as I thought. Then again, maybe more folks decided to travel because they figure their job might be gone by Thanksgiving. The job situation does look rough, especially if you define your worth by your job, or perhaps worse, your job title. The LWF devotional has a few words from the late Pastor Rogers about defining our worth by what we see in the world as opposed to remembering whom we belong to. Jesus died for me, not because I held a good job for almost 20 years, or served in the military, or even because of [in spite of?] what I look like. Jesus died for you and me because He values us above even the perfect life He lived on this earth. Let that sink in for a moment...

Jesus lived the perfect life to save all of us. Did He stop for a moment and do an end-zone victory dance? Did He run down and crow in the devil's face? Nope, He lived again and gave us life. Did Jesus tell a parable where someone in the story would not believe even if a person returned from the dead to tell them the Good News? Why yes, he did! We know that many still refused to believe even as Jesus walked the earth in His risen form. He was so glorious that even Mary Magdalene had trouble recognizing him. What a great weekend to take a moment or two and think about our risen Lord! Now, isn't that a lot more comfortable and encouraging than thinking about your job and the vapor-ish security we have in our earthly employers?

Trust only in God, live for Him!


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