Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Persistence for Justice - May 13, 2008

Good morning! The clouds have brought us some rain once more, though I slept through it. Did the rain fall on the just and the unjust as we read in the Bible? And which side are each of us on. Hopefully the just. However, do we need to hope, or do we have assurance of our justness? According to the Bible, we are justified by faith in Jesus Christ, there is no need to wonder which side we are on. Jesus has already taken care of justifying us to God through His sacrifice on the cross.

I find the story of the poor widow who sought justice from a judge who did not believe, an unjust judge, to be a valuable lesson. She brought her case before him until he grew tired of seeing her and granted her justice just to be rid of her. Jesus told us to learn a lesson from this unjust judge who still made a just decision due to a widow's persistence. However, note that she believed in justice through her faith. We might be tempted to pray for something that is not good for us with persistence and expect God to answer with a "yes". As we learn persistence in prayer and grow in our faith in Jesus, we will not ask for things that God does not want us to have. Trust in the Holy Spirit of God to bring you persistence in prayer and a generous, faithful heart.

Let the light of Jesus shine through us today!


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